The sequin has always had a questionable reputation. Work Christmas Do? Tick. 1970's Fancy Dress? Tick. But it's connotations have always been just a little too Drag Race to allow it to make a serious impact in our wardrobes. Until now. We've had nearly two years of restrictions and a mass lack of festive fun having. We are itching to let our hair down. So yes that includes going for way more bling than may usually be considered sensible. But that's not to say we want to totally ditch our new love of the wearable, the relaxed, the 'lounge'. So bring in 'Alternative' Sequins. Think Ru Paul in rehearsal: Tracksuit sequins; wide leg sequins; relaxed maxi dress sequins; sequins with flat boots and sweatshirts. Basically our regular outfits pimped up, rather than a whole separate christmas party uniform. In other words, like we could be back in loungewear any minute. Which lets face it....
Updated: Dec 13, 2021